Expert book release
The time has come at last! Springer-Gabler publishers has released our book:
Business Partner Management. Externe und interne Geschäftsbeziehungen erfolgreich gestalten.
(Klaus Krause, Tobias Schnitzler, Soft-Cover: ISBN 978-3-658-32996-9 / e-Book: ISBN 978-3-658-32997-6)
This expert book gives you a well structured, branch independent and also insight in all kinds of business partnerships. The relations with external business partners as well as internal partnerships with colleagues and employees are discussed in detail. The authors guide through all phases of a partnership, examine the different aspects and offer best practice methods and practical hints for the successfull cooperation with partners. The human being as a partner and individual with own interests and goals stands in the foreground. The comparison with private partnerships is well intended and illustrates the remarks. Recent results from brain science about learning and cooperation are also included.
New team members on bord!
We are happy to expand our team with two more very experienced partners. Gisela Iwersen (Diplom Volkswirtin) and Hannes Reichelt (B.A. Middle East Economics) refer to long year professional experiences from different management positions in the industry, but also from universities and startup networks.
Read their personal profiles and learn more!

New offers and services
Krause3PM ist a dynamic venture. We observe carefully the requirements and needs of our customers and steadily develop our concepts and offers on to fit the demand. Consequently we enhance our activities with our new partners Gisela Iwersen and Hannes Reichelt, but also with all other team members in the areas:
- Cooperative development networks between universities, industry partners and startups.
- Support on business planning, as well as on design, implementation and qualification of reliable corporate processes.
- Advice and assistance on financing architectures, selection and application for public funding programs.
- Mutual search for investors or investment projects and development of individual engagement-models.