Workshop at the Founders Factory
From the 11th to the 22nd of February the Founders-Factory at the Beuth-University conducted a startup-bootcamp and asked us to offer a whole-day workshop about Marketing, Sales and Partnering.
Round about 30 participants joined in. Students, graduates, founders or going-to-be founders discussed motivated our presentations and were very engaged in the workshop parts.
An introduction to professional Partner Management served as the basis for the second workshop part on corporate communication- and distribution strategies (Marketing-Mix) through which Marianne Maneta conducted the participants.
Together with the participants we concluded, that a customer is a business partner of a company, equally to the company’s suppliers, subcontractors or cooperation partners and thus must be addressed, bound and satisfied with the same professional Smart Partnering methods.
The organization of the day by Elli Strauven-Dejean and Jeroen Langejan was simply perfect and we jointly enjoyed a successful workshop day.